Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rise and Shine --- Trees, lights, ahhhh

Good Morning and welcome to another brilliant morning!

Now, I know I'm behind the eight-ball on this, but I really don't want to see any more Christmas stuff right now.
It all started a few weeks ago when I went into the Home Depot to search for some Halloween lights and could only find reindeers.
Then I noticed every other commercial on TV was pumping up pre-Black Friday sales or Lowest Prices of the Season.
The season? What season is that? Late summer?
Anyway, it all hit this past weekend when we decided to take a trip to King of Prussia. It wasn't so much the piped in holiday songs. It wasn't so much seeing Santa on his couch. It wasn't so much seeing workers at one store being forced to wear elf hats.
No, it was the attitude of many walking through the stores. You would have thought we were sitting a few days before Christmas instead of the beginning of November.
People were buying all the junk in the center of the aisles (do you really know somebody who needs a desk nose-hair trimmer?). They were pushing, wrinkling shirts, knocking things on the ground.
All I could think was, thank goodness for Internet shopping.

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