Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rise and Shine --- From sublime to ridiculous

Good Morning and here we are at another Tuesday!?!

Maybe it's just me, but this story about a woman suing a college because she can't find a job is absolutely ridiculous.
I can't decide which is worse: the woman thought she could get some sympathy for this or that a lawyer was actually willing to take the case.
Either way, it smells. Look, our business section is filled every day with bad news about the economy. Jobs are being cut everywhere. Many people are finding it difficult to find a place to live.
Now, we have somebody actually suing a college because they can't find a job. What's next, sue your parents because they let you play outside instead of constantly studying?
Maybe we should sue somebody like this for putting out a fountain of misinformation. How about this guy for putting out filth on the airwaves?
Hey, let's go all the way and sue this guy for taking the comedy away from government.
Then again, maybe we should just work hard and help others. Maybe that's a better solution.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

On the bright side, a lawyer did not take the case. From CNN

"Thompson says she has not hired an attorney to represent her because she cannot afford one. When she filed her complaint, she also filed a "poor person order," which exempts her from filing fees associated with the lawsuit."