Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rise and Shine --- The heat is on

Good Morning and welcome to another sticky August day!

What to do in the heat?
Sure, you can stay inside and relax with the air conditioning, but something feels just wrong about that scenerio.
In the dead of winter, with cold air (not so much snow for us the last few years) blowing outside, it's an easy decision. You stay in the heat and watch dead leaves blow around the yard.
The summer, though, brings a completely different view. The sun is shining and it looks like a perfect day to head outdoors.
Then, you open the door and ... BAM. That wall of heat hits you like a ton of bricks.
That's when the brain starts to click around (or burn out in my case). Go outside and enjoy the summer or stay inside and keep cool?
What to do? What to do?
In the end, I suggest, it's better to get out in the air. Turn off the air conditioner and sit under a tree.
Let the children get all sweaty (maybe, just maybe, a little tired) and it all seems OK.
That is, until the ice melts.

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