Monday, January 23, 2012

Rise and Shine --- President Newt?

Good Morning and here's hoping all that white stuff is gone by tomorrow!

It got to the point last week where I couldn't take any more of the political rhetoric.
People were arguing about tax returns. Others were telling us how bad the current president is doing. Still others were yammering on and on about how important South Carolina (South Carolina?) was in the political spectrum.
When I think of South Carolina, I don't think of groundbreaking political talks. I really only think of golf and one heck of a thunderstorm that hit while driving through the state a few years ago.
Unfortunately, we are going to have to endure all this yap, yap, yap until next November. So, I guess the newsroom television will be tuned to the History Channel once again.
Just one question, how did the little girl from Aliens become a presidential candidate.

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