Monday, January 30, 2012

Rise and Shine --- Shopping torture

Good Morning and welcome to winter, I mean spring, I mean winter .... AAAHHHH!

Remember back a few years ago when there was a big debate about torture and how much information from suspected terrorists the CIA could get by using things like waterboarding?
I have a better torture that won't cause any real damage (except maybe a headache). Make the suspected terrorists go to a food store with children, say ages 12, 9 and 7.
From the 'I don't want to go to (fill in the blank)' whines to the pushing each other into the carts to the continual begging for cookies/candy/ice cream, anybody will break.
I used to look forward to going shopping with the children. It was fun. We could decide what we needed for lunch and dinner each week. Somewhere along the line, though, it all changed.
Somewhere, the supermarket became their playground. Apparently, rules don't apply. Apparently sliding down the cereal aisle is the only way to get through.
No wonder we eat too much pasta.

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