Monday, January 9, 2012

Rise and Shine --- Cold hard schooling facts

Good Morning and, yes, it really is 2012 no matter what you wrote on that last check!!

By the way, does anybody really write checks any more? I mean, you can pay all your bills online. You can transfer money through the bank website. Are checks going the way of regular mail?

Speaking of going away, how about all those Catholic school closings? Pretty amazing, huh.
A neighbor who's school is staying open said Friday, "You know, we are safe, but it's getting about time to pull the plug. They are only going to raise tuition. I think they are pricing people out of Catholic education."
Now, I went to Catholic school for the first eight years. Back then (yeah, ancient history), going to the Church's school was free (as long as your parents kept up with the all-important weekly envelope).
Now, some schools cost parishioners like $6,000 a year and that's only if they still keep the Sunday envelope coming. High schools cost nearly $12,000 a year.
Sorry, I know it's tradition and stuff, but people just can't afford that kind of bill.
My old school has been consolidated twice. This time, it's leaving the building. Now, while I cherish the time there it has more to do with the friends I made and less to do with the lessons I learned.

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