Monday, August 20, 2012

Rise and Shine --- Those were the days?

Good Morning and isn't it nice to have the air conditioning turned off?

So, when the mosquitoes became too much Sunday night, we went inside and snapped on the TV.

Since I had control of the remote, I was able to bypass the usual fare of shows that melt the brain. OK, OK, all television melts the brain, but some make it go quicker than others.
Just to see what kind of reaction I would get, I stopped on PBS, which was showing a rerun of an old Lawrence Welk show.

After a couple of minutes, "What is this?"

It's an old TV show. My grandmom used to like watching it.

"Why are we watching it?"

Because it's a slice of Americana. They don't make them like this anymore.

"These people of weird. Isn't there anything else on?"

Nope, this is on every channel.

"I'm going to go read."

So, there you have it. Lawrence Welk is helping this generation of students keep up with their reading.

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