Monday, February 20, 2012

Rise and Shine --- I want Spring!!!

Good Morning and welcome to whatever this is called!

So, I went into the Home Depot the other day and, suddenly, I was hit with Spring. There were flowers all over the place. Outdoor furniture had replaced the Christmas lights and new grills were lining up the aisle.
I got to thinking, man, we really need spring.
Sure, it's been a mild winter, but it's still winter. I want to get outside and dig. I want to clean up the trees and bushes. I want to, yes it seems odd, cut the grass.
Most of all, though, is I want to build a garden. I did it last year, but got a little too over-zealous and planted too much.
By little 3x3 box had like eight tomato plants, a few peppers, cucumbers and, I think, squash.
Nothing grew. I had a few tomatoes, but the majority stayed green all summer.
This year, I'm going to do it right. I'm going to give space. I'm going to keep the rabbits away. I'm going to make it work.
Now, I just need time to speed up.

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