Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rise and Shine --- Healthcare

Good Morning and welcome back to ... winter?

Everybody out there, raise your hands if you've been adversely affected by the new health care laws.
Let's see, there was a closing of loopholes in Medicare prescriptions. Meaning, more people were able to get the prescriptions they need to stay healthy.
Children are able to stay on their parent's healthcare until the age of 26. In this job market, that's a sigh of relief for many.
So, why exactly are there protests? Why do so many seem to be against changes? Is it really not that many, but the anti have a louder voice?
My healthcare costs keep going up. I now pay over $400 a month for health insurance for myself and three children. It's going to go up again this year.
Somebody has to do something about these costs. If it means everybody has to have some kind of insurance, that sounds like a pretty good idea from here.

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