Monday, November 5, 2012

Rise and Shine --- Oh, those commercials

Good Morning and, man, I'm glad tomorrow is election day!
Seriously, the next time I see Tom Smith's mother, she better be starring in the Estelle Getty role of a 'Golden Girls' remake. By the way, Tom, you are the single most annoying candidate in about 100 years and there is no 'w' in 'Bob.'
One more time I hear Mitt Romney say he's going to personally create 12 million jobs I might just crack. I don't care what Colin Powell thinks. I certainly don't have any interest in Bucks County or New Jersey.
Is it just me or have these political ads just been about the worst ever? There's no break either. It's one after the other after the other.
I just saw Bill Clinton campaigning for Kathleen Kane, followed by the Mittster telling me about jobs. By the way, Mitt, if the White House is going to create 12 million new jobs, isn't the government going to get a helluva lot bigger?
They are all just bad and annoying. I didn't think I could get any more annoyed until I saw the Pennsylvania Lottery commercial with the guy going around giving scratch-off tickets to his friends as Christmas (sorry, Holiday) gifts.
"Hey what a great gift ... you cheap bastard!"
I think I'm going to DVR all my shows until the end of the year.

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