Thursday, July 31, 2014

Politics? I need an aspirin

Good Morning and here we are again!

Yes, we have reached that season again. No, not the one you are thinking about (although, I did see an unnamed local store putting up Christmas lights last week).
We have reached the never-ending political season.
I see Tom Wolf attacking Tom Corbett. I see Tom Corbett attacking Tom Wolf.
I get e-mails from Republicans attacking President Obama. I get e-mails from President Obama (well, not really it's some kind of auto-bot) attacking the Republicans.
I get phone calls. I get candidates knocking on my door. I get things in the mail (people still send things through the mail?).
AHHHH. Enough already.
All of this information just turns me off. By the time November comes along, I'll be ready to move to Sweden. (Do they have elections in Sweden?)
Just like I don't want to see Halloween stores popping up in August, I don't want to hear from political candidates until, well, how about late September.
It's all spin anyway.
Yes, we know you hate the other side. You will never work together. Blah, blah, blah.
I'll make my decision on your record, not on your rhetoric.

Monday, July 28, 2014

To read or not to read

Good Morning and how about them Phillies!?!?!

One of my favorite parts of the summer is to fill my glass, grab the radio, my Kindle and head out back in the fading sunlight.
OK, I could put book in there instead of Kindle, but that's what I read these days.
I download books from the library. Then I dive right in.
I've been reading at a pretty good clip. If it's interesting enough, I'll finish the book in a couple of days. Then I'll get another.
Well, in trying to get the group to enjoy the reading time, I suggested turning off the games and coming outside to read.
"Reading is boring," came the retort as the keys kept clicking.
OK, I said, How about just coming outside to watch the birds.
"Birds are boring." Click, clack, click, clack.
Well, how about if I just take the computer away for a few days.
"You're mean!"
I get it. When I was that age, I didn't read as much as I probably should have. Reading was like work. We were told to do it in school. Free time? Forget about it.
Now, of course, I know better. I'll keep trying.
In the meantime, let me finish this chapter.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

You can't have any pudding if you don't eat

Good Morning and here we are again!

When the children don't want to do their homework, I like to sing the key verse for Pink Floyd's "The Wall"
Everybody knows it: "We don't need no education."
After a couple of minutes, the homework gets done (or at least restarted).
Sometimes, if it gets so bad, I'll play the whole song at top volume.
The other day, I had to use a different part of the song during dinner.
I try to get everybody to eat a healthy meal, but a lot of times it turns into a battle.
The only chip I have is dessert. Usually, something's ready. Their favorite this time of year (really, any time of the year) is ice cream.
So, the rule is simple, eat your vegetables or no dessert. Lately, I've been grilling the veggies, which gives a great taste to squash, peppers, beets.
Now, I don't overload the plate with the veggies. Just a few, sometimes maybe just one piece.
Half the time, they give up the possibility of dessert because they don't want to eat a small amount.
Makes no sense to me, but, I guess, that's how we keep the ball rolling.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Give somebody a microphone and...

Good Morning and how about them Phillies!

My grandfather was a big fan of pro wrestling. When we were over the house on a Saturday morning, he would turn the TV to wrestling and we would all sit and watch. Well, it was either that or the Three Stooges (my grandmother hated both).
Anyway, there would always be a segment where somebody like Superstar Billy Graham would say something dumb to get the people fired up.
Pro wrestling (although I haven't watched in years), probably follows the same script. Somebody says something, others get mad, a match ensues.
I mean, I'm all for free speech and all, but some people shouldn't have a microphone.
Usually, I'm just shaking my head at people like Sarah Palin (really, Sarah, God wants Obama impeached?)
Uh, maybe it's just me, but there seems to be far more things God would be watching.
Then there's Tony Dungy.
The former Steelers player, Colts coach and NFL TV talking head said in a story published by the Tampa Tribune he wouldn't have drafted Michael Sam (for those who forget or don't care, he is the first openly gay player drafted by the NFL). The reason being because "I wouldn't want to deal with it all."
Deal with it all?
Wait a minute, isn't this the same guy who helped get Michael Vick back in the NFL?
Take the mic away.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Ugh. Ugh and double UGH while shopping at Giant

Good Morning and, yes, it's still summer!

Last Tuesday afternoon, I ran out of jelly.
Now, obviously, it's not that big of a problem. Still, the brood wouldn't eat their lunch unless there was some jelly to go along with the peanut butter. So, I hopped in the car and drove to the Giant in Havertown.
It's the same store I always shop. I mean, I refuse to go to 3 different stores just to get potato chips a few cents cheaper.
Anyway, while doing the self checkout, a worker was taping up some fall leaves on the nearby pole.
"Really," I said.
"We were told to do this by our regional manager," she said. "I don't want to, but it somehow fell to me."
Hey, at least I know the workers don't always buy into the corporate, uh, bull.
An aside to that manger: We don't want to see fall decorations until, get this, THE FALL.
I became further confused when I went to the beer store and saw a set up for Pumpkin (ie: Fall) beers.
What's next, Christmas decorations in July?
Wait, what?

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Time to get the beat on

Good Morning and welcome back to the Internet?

Apparently, this is the most hated song on the World Wide Web right now:

OK. I must admit it's not on the same level as this:

Really, though, doesn't Weird Al do it best?
Of course, it would be music if it wasn't just a little political:

Then again, it is summer. So, let's go old school for the anthem:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Getting back into the groove

Good Morning and watch out for the lightning!

So, I'm back at work after a week's vacation.
Usually people in here don't ask about vacations. If someone does, I usually say it was "Too short."
Secretively, though, I always look forward to getting back to the routine after a week off. Many times, I need a vacation from vacation (yes, that is weird).
This year, though, I had the most relaxing, fun vacation I can remember ever having.
I didn't want it to end. I wish I could make a sequel to Groundhog Day and make it Groundhog Week.
The kids didn't fight (well, not too much) and spending time with the whole family was great.
As I look back, though, the most relaxing part was I didn't keep up with any of the news. The cell phones were off. The TVs were kept off because there was enough to do without it.
Heck, I didn't even know LeBron James went back to Cleveland until Sunday. The Phillies might as well have won five straight games (They did?). I didn't here the name Tom Corbett. I missed the start of the political attack ad season.
Let's not even get into the bitterness of other things.
It was liberating in a way. I think it's time to do that more often.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I don't think there are that many choices

Good Morning and the sun is shining bright!

After getting a bunch of things done early yesterday evening, I sat down on the couch and turned on the television.
I searched through the channels and found there was nothing I really wanted to see.
The History Channel was showing some kind of alligator hunting show called Swamp People. Uh, no thanks.
I turned to the Food Network and was bombarded by the annoying Guy Fieri. Really, does anybody not find Guy Fieri very annoying. Is there ever any meal on his show (or any of those kind of shows) where the host doesn't like something?
Going through the menu, there was really nothing worth watching. I had no interest in the news. I didn't care to hear political pundits ramble on and on about the Supreme Court.
The Phillies were off. Of course, that's a good thing these days.
While waiting for Jeopardy, I saw a couple of cable TV commercials.
Both were talking about the upgraded systems they offer. Get this, you can record 12 shows at the same time for a little more money.
Somebody please tell me when there are 12 shows on at the same time you want to watch. When are there two?