Monday, March 21, 2011

Rise and Shine --- Burning the brackets

Good Morning and welcome to another one of those yucky days!

You know, the first day of spring brings hopes of picnics and playgrounds. Then we get one of these gray, rainy days to, well, put a damper on it all.
Speaking of dampers, how about that NCAA Tournament? I don't know about you, but I was able to perform a ritual burning of my picks by Friday afternoon.
That was OK, though, because for the first time I was able to enjoy the excitement of the games with my sons.
In year's past, when I said this weekend was "basketball weekend," I got the immediate complaints.
"We want to watch cartoons. This is boring. I hate basketball. BOOOORRRRINNNG."
This year, though, I had a tough time pulling the boys away from the games. It helped that almost every one went down to the wire, but they were even fascinated by the blowouts.
This year, the questions were basketball related.
"How do you know if it's a 3-pointer? Why was that an offensive foul? Why does Pitt choke every year?"
OK, that last one was mine, but you get the idea.
We'll be ready Thursday night when the games start up again.

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