Monday, April 4, 2011

Rise and Shine --- It's too early

Good Morning and welcome back to a brand-new week!

So, it's a rare occurrence when my alarm doesn't go off in the morning. Usually, I have to set it seven days a week. It rings (well, sings or something) anywhere between 3:30 and 8 every morning.
After a long week, though, I decided not to set it Saturday morning. I told the little ones there was no reason to get up early. The first thing we had to do Saturday was make a drop-off at dance class, but that wasn't until 9:45.
We stayed up a little later Friday night and figured it would be a good day to get some extra rest.
It slipped my mind, though, there was a birthday party to attend. Tell a precocious 6-year old girl there's a party Saturday afternoon and, well, you can predict what happened.
"Daddy, Daddy," came the first shakes. "Is it time to get ready for the party?"
Um, not yet, it's only 5 a.m. How about we sleep for a little while longer.
"OK," she said. "But you have to make sure you wake me up in time."
Like hitting the snooze button on the alarm, about 30 minutes later I heard the door open.
"Is it time yet, Daddy?"
Knowing it was going to be a losing time battle, I came back with "Not for the party. But, how about we make some pancakes?"
There wasn't any extra sleep, but, even though the afternoon was spent cleaning the kitchen, it was OK to get up early this time.

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