Monday, June 6, 2011

Rise and Shine --- Fun in the sun

Good Morning and welcome to a brand, spanking new week!

Can't you just feel the excitement about Rick Santorum announcing he's going to run for president. Oh, wait, it's just a little indigestion from the heavy sauce on the pasta.
So, we were out at the Italian Heritage Festival (or the Italian Food Festival or the Delco's Meeting Place) at Rose Tree Park yesterday. Met a lot of nice people and, luckily, had to be there early enough to get a parking spot right near our tent.
Anyway, seemed like everybody was having fun, despite the long food lines.
It was one of those days where it looked like we were going to get rained on, but, when the sun finally broke through, it got very warm.
One thing I came away with is people still rely on the Daily Times to get the information about their community. They are invested in the product (even if the product is on the Internet). We welcomed people of all ages and backgrounds who get their news right here.
So, in the immortal words of Carl Spackler, "So, I have that going for me."

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