Monday, December 5, 2011

Rise and Shine --- Shoot the messenger

Good Morning and what do we have here?

You know, most years I kind of ignore all the Christmas shopping commercials that pop up on TV. I'm going to buy what I'm going to buy and no commercial is going to change that.
This year, though, there's something different. This year, I secretly hope Godzilla makes a pre-Christmas run and crushes all the new Lexus' people seem to be buying.
Really, is there anything more annoying than a car commercial where somebody does some 'cute' way of showing how good they are by buying somebody a new Lexus. First of all, let's get past the whole personal choice thing. A car is, after all, something deeply personal.
Who has that kind of money sitting around. Certainly not the people they show in commercials. How does the woman who reprograms the elevator music to play the Lexus jingle get the money to buy her boyfriend a new car while working at Starbucks?
Meanwhile, those people who apparently shop at Target, WalMart, Best Buy or any of the other places that exist in these commercials need to be attacked by zombies. I mean, really, if I saw somebody singing the praises of WalMart while shopping, I might turn into a zombie. Then again, I have a feeling the zombies would starve since there doesn't appear to be a brain anywhere.
Don't even get me started with the jewelery dealers. Yeah, 'Every Kiss begins with Kay' but you can't spell bankruptcy without that same 'Kay.' So there.

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