Monday, October 24, 2011

Rise and Shine --- Two wheels!

Good Morning and welcome to the week before Halloween!

One of the things we like to do in the summer is ride bikes. So, with everybody getting a little bigger, two new (actually used) bikes were purchased last spring. The problem for one was that meant no more training wheels.
So, we tried in the spring. We tried at various times throughout the summer. We tried before school started. Still, the one couldn't get over the fear of falling.
That's OK, I kept saying, you'll get it. Until then, we'll put the training wheels back on your little bike.
"No," was the answer. "I'm not a little kid. I don't need a little bike."
So, the Not Little Kid used a scooter instead. Road up and down in front of the house. Mile after mile throughout the early fall.
Then on Saturday, the scooter went away and the bike came back out.
"I can do it now," the Not Little Kid said. "Watch."
So, moments after jumping on the bike (her brother's, but let's not quibble), it was back and forth on two wheels.
"I can do it! I can do it! Look Daddy! I Can Do IT!" the Not Little Kid yelled with joy.
Yeah, you can do it. You're right, you're not a little kid any more. :(

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